We’ve all had those crazy days. Long hours at work or in front of the computer, wanting to pull our hair out, feeling stressed to the max. But what happens if going to a spa is not in your schedule or budget? Thankfully, there’s another way to gather your thoughts and center your spirit without compromising your household income or goals.

Meditation is a safe and effective way to regain control of your mind and emotions. Usually, we’re taught that food, retail therapy, or other non-conducive behaviors will help us get over the hump of stress. However, those above-mentioned strategies are usually temporary and mask the issue of anxiety rather than tackling it.

While you can do this at a time of day that works best for you, I like taking time in the mornings to do this, in order to set the tone for my day. Meditating isn’t just for those who are deeply religious or spiritual, it’s for anyone who wants a healthy way to be well.

Here’s what you need in order to get the most out of meditation:


Get Comfy
Sit in a place and a position that is quiet and comfortable for you.

Allot Specific Time
Choose a realistic amount of time and set a timer. This is especially important for beginners. Five to ten minutes is OK to start.

Do What Works for You
Whether you choose to kneel, sit cross-legged, or sit loosely- it doesn’t matter. Whatever works best for you is fine.

Take Deep Breaths
Breathe deeply, in and out. Inhale and exhale and pay attention to your breaths as you do this. Don’t rush this process!

Your mind may wander, especially in the beginning. That’s ok! Just always work to bring it back into focus.

End with Feeling Refreshed
Once your time is up, open your eyes, notice your surroundings, and take note of how your body feels after meditating.

Repeat this process as often as necessary. Meditation is all about finding a healthy way to relieve overwhelm. Meditate your way to mental and emotional peace!

Be Well,
Dr. Mya


Source: https://www.mindful.org/how-to-meditate/