Happy Monday, Everyone! With just two days to go until Christmas, I decided to post a part II to last week's blog. During the holidays, many of us like to go shopping and travel. So today, I thought it'd be appropriate to discuss travel safety as it relates to human trafficking. Below you'll find some incredible safety tips that you can implement and share.
Traveling for Work
Request travel information from your employer, including your housing arrangements and who will be responsible for picking you up from the airport. Also, be sure you are clear on how you're expected to get around the new city and/or country you are visiting.
Inform Trusted Individuals at Home
It is never a good idea to travel without informing trusted family members and friends. Before traveling, make copies of important documents and give them to a trusted individual. Be certain to inform family and friends where you'll be staying while traveling and arrange times to check-in with them to inform them of your arrival and how you are managing while away.
Research the Country
If you're traveling abroad, be sure to understand local laws and how to access the American Embassy in that country during your stay. Be sure to obtain a map of the area you'll be visiting and understand how to get to important places such as the Consulate, Embassy, bank, police station and hospital in case of an emergency.
Be Aware
I can't stress enough the importance of being aware. Pay attention to your surroundings. When sightseeing or attending business meetings, do not be distracted by your cell phone or noise-canceling headphones. Be alert! If something doesn't feel right, get out of that situation as soon as possible.
As I always say, I am your mental health expert! However, I also want to ensure you remain safe and well this holiday season. These blogs are not meant to make you feel afraid, but rather to make you informed. There's a big world out there and you deserve to see it! Just be sure to remain wise while doing so.
Be Well,
Dr. Mya